Full list of Frozen 2 songs

Here is list of new songs From Frozen 2 movie and names of the artist that performed it

1. “All is Found” — performed by Evan Rachel Wood

2. “Some Things Never Change” - performed by Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Josh Gad and Jonathan Groff

3. Into the Unknown - performed by Idina Menzel (featuring Norwegian singer AURORA)

4. “When | Am Older” — performed by Josh Gad

5. “Reindeer(s) are Better than People (Cont.)” - performed by Jonathan Groff

6. “Lost in the Woods” — performed by Jonathan Groff

7. “Show Yourself” — performed by Idina Menzel and Evan Rachel Wood

8. “The Next Right Thing” — performed by Kristen Bell

9. “Into the Unknown” — performed by Panic! At The Disco (end credits)

10. “All is Found” — performed by Kacey Musgraves (end credits)

11. “Lost in the Woods” — performed by Weezer (end credits)

Frozen 2 songs names full listFrozen 2 songs names full list

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