Unicorn Academy 2023 Netflix animated series

Unicorn Academy is a new animated series from Spin Master and Netflix, that are based on series of books from Julie Sykes. Unicorn Academy series tells story about girl Sophia and her friends, who are freshman class of the Unicorn Academy from fantasy world. Each of new students must bond with a unicorn to unlock magical powers. The Unicorn Academy animated series will launch with a 72-minute movie premiere in fall 2023 and further broadcast the first season. Coming to Netflix on November 2, 2023.
Unicorn Academy 2023 Netflix animated series

New poster
Unicorn Academy

Unicorn Academy MOVIE is out on Youtube:

Unicorn Academy series video teaser

Experience the magical world of Unicorn Academy, a new fantasy-adventure series from Spin Master Entertainment with this first look. Unicorn Academy is the boarding school of every kid’s dreams. Located on Unicorn Island™, Sophia and the rest of the freshman class must bond with a unicorn to unlock their magical powers; only then can they learn to become revered protectors of the island and its magic - all while balancing classwork and navigating new friendships. Adapted from The New York Times bestselling books originated and published by Nosy Crow, written by Julie Sykes and published in North America by Penguin Random House, the series features diverse heroes, majestic unicorns set in an enchanting world of magic and mystery.

Unicorn Academy 2023 Netflix animated series

Unicorn Academy meet Sophia and her unicorn Wildstar

In these series you will find not only beautiful animation but also beautiful music and songs.
Follow Your Heart Music Video from Unicorn Academy

What We Know So Far Unicorn Academy

Watch more on official Youtube. These characters really deserve your attention.

You can find Unicorn Academy books here: https://amzn.to/3OEqmWx

Unicorn Academy dolls and toys coming in 2024, we'll keep you posted, stay tuned!

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