Disney Manga: Descendants – Mal's Royal Challenge Graphic novel

TOKYOPOP brings you Disney Manga — an extraordinary fusion between Disney’s most magical stories and the captivating art style of Japanese manga. And this is next release of the Disney Manga: Descendants story!
Opening the bridge between Auradon and the Isle was the easy part – bringing two disparate cultures together will be the real challenge that Mal must face. Realizing that she needs help, Mal brings on the two people who best personify their respective homes as consultants: Audrey for Auradon and Uma for the Isle of the Lost. They’re charged with helping Mal introduce their own cultures to a whole new audience… but how?
You can get it here: https://amzn.to/3hRRYYW

Disney Manga: Descendants  Mal's Royal Challenge

As far as Mal sees it, they can only really truly understand the issues that the people of Auradon and the Isle of the Lost will face by first experiencing it for themselves, which means that Audrey will need to live a day in Uma’s life on the Isle and Uma in Audrey’s shoes in Auradon. This experience – full of embarrassing missteps and unexpected situations – opens up Audrey and Uma’s eyes to just how inattentive they’d been to the challenges faced by those who’d grown up elsewhere and inspires them to join forces with Mal to find a better solution to truly integrate their cultures.

Release date: October 12, 2021.
Price: $15.99
Story by Jason Muell
Art by Natsuki Minami

Cover: Softcover
Interior: Full color
Page Count: 128
Format: Graphic novel

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