LOL Surprise Tweens Winter Snow dolls

Meet new winter doll collection of LOL Surprise Tweens dolls - LOL Surprise Tweens Winter Snow. Winter Snow is a new holiday 2024 collection that will include LOL Tweens dolls, LOL Surprise Tots and Winter Snow Chalet.
The dolls have snowy hair, there are 2 dolls in LOL Surprise Tweens Winter Snow collection.
Bon Bon's sister, inspired by her younger sister's pastel color scheme. Dressed in a pink hat with hare ears, winter jacket, socks. Includes snowboard, ski goggles, headphones with rotating ear cushions, bag and camera.
Snow Jam's sister doll in purple shades. Dressed in warm headphones, sweater, purple vest, beautiful ski pants with shimmers Includes ski goggles. pink skis and poles, phone and purple bag.

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