First new LOL Surprise 2020 collection is out for preorder.
MGA Entertainment just officially revealed its latest L.O.L. Surprise! collection, L.O.L. Surprise! Lights. Each doll in this colection includes a real black light. Shine the black light on your doll to reveal surprises like glowing features, new colors and surprise details.
Main stars of the new collection are LOL Surprise OMG Lights dolls
O.M.G! We sisters invite all our fabulous B.B.s to the event of the season. It’s lights, camera, fashion as we hit the neon carpet in our boldest and brightest looks. Get ready to glow, cuz when the black lights hit, we’ll reveal outrageous, glowing surprises.
LOL Surprise O.M.G. Lights Angles - Get it here

LOL Surprise O.M.G. Lights Speedster - Get it here

LOL Surprise O.M.G. Lights Dazzle - Get it here

LOL Surprise O.M.G. Groovy Babe - Get it here

L.O.L. Surprise! Lights Glitter - Get it here
Another cool new toy is new LOL Surprise Lights Glitter dolls. They also have black light surprises. And Each L.O.L. Surprise! Lights Glitter doll is a totally new character with stunning glitter details. Ultra-rare doll Drip Drop is an extra special work of art. Her artsy splatter pattern is a little different every time, so each doll is totally unique. Shine the black light on her, and see her details glow!
L.O.L. Surprise! Lights Pets with real hair - Get it here

And finally, there are new LOL Surprise Pets with real hair. L.O.L. Surprise! Lights Pets now have REAL hair in so many fabulous hairstyles. Each L.O.L. Surprise! Lights Pet is covered in extra-long fur. Remove the fur piece by piece to reveal what pet is underneath AND which fierce hairstyle your pet has. Extra-long fur can be stuck back on to create so many styles! Mix & match extra-long fur with other Lights Pets. Don't miss any news - subscribe to our Facebook