New Barbie fashion dolls - Barbie Fashionista EXTRA
They are fully articilated, have really cool hairstyles and super fashionista looks! Here comes the brand new Barbies Fashionistas Xtra with their pets and their Deluxe dresses. These dolls, apart from the latest fashion, have some looks that will not leave you indifferent. With their extravagant hairstyles, their pets and accessories. They don't lack a single detail!Include pets that are also "extra" and have more than 10 plussed-up fashion and accessory pieces. Each doll also comes in a unique package not only is the structure break-frame with bold colours throughout, but each box will also include a unique tactile element. There are 5 dolls in collection.
Barbie Extra №1 with Afro puffs doll in Rainbow Coat with Pet Poodle
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Barbie Extra № 2 Curvy doll in Shimmery Look with Pet Puppy
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Barbie Extra № 3 blonde doll in Pink Coat with Pet Unicorn-Pig
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Barbie Extra doll 4 in Zippered Bomber Jacket with Skateboard & 2 Kittens
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Barbie Extra doll 5 in Long-Fringe Denim Jacket with Pet Puppy
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Price: $24,99
Release date: Winter 2020
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